If you love Christmas angels, then the Tenth Day of Rachel's 12 Days of Christmas is for you! Rachel's joyful "With One Accord" features no fewer than 17 angels (we lost count!). Scroll down to learn more about this amazing jacket, we have lots of detail shots to share!

The jacket part of this ensemble is made from a designer Vogue pattern. That pattern provided Rachel with the canvas for an idea she had about Christmas angels. She wanted to do a jacket with just a few angels but they got to singing and humming and the jacket ended up more than 17.
Most of these angels are enjoying Christmas - playing instruments and singing angelically - but one got a little over indulgent with Christmas sweet potato pie🥧!!
There is also an angel who got herself in a bit of a bind. She was late for the choir and is stuck inside the coat on the liner! The skirt completes the ensemble, continuing with the holly fabric that backs the jacket.
back of jacket featuring six angels

The front features two flying angels bearing a Christmas tree and a star

Angel singing with a pieced garment of her own!

Hand-stitched Christmas tree

This sleeve angel is really belting out the chorus

Another sleeve angel ringing the bell!

Flying angel with horn

Quietly singing angel with button detail on her frock

Radiant angel praying and singing

She gets a star along with her halo!

Flying with her orange frock and fun button clasp

And this angel was late for Choir

What a fun and beautiful collection of angels. It reminds me of block party angels that I have.